I am a watercolor and acrylic artist but discovered the world of gourds about 10 years ago.
I love every facet of this art form — from the cleaning, to burning, to sanding, to dying — you name it.
It is a great challenge to be working in 3-D instead of 2-D.
My interest in gourds was sparked by a one-day workshop that I took at San Diego Botanic Garden. I knew about gourds from my childhood in Nigeria, where the people use gourds for everything, from spoons to bowls and for storage.
I purchase my gourds uncleaned and uncut from Welburn Gourd Farm
I am a member of the San Diego County Gourd Artists and the California Gourd Society

I have recently converted my dad’s silent 16mm movies into digital format and up-loaded them to YouTube.
You can view them by searching for Lionel Seger 16mm movies or by clicking here.